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The Renaissance Pupil's Book

On sale

23rd February 1995

Price: £22

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780719551864

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This book provides a detailed study of the causes and consequences of the Italian Renaissance, and describes the spread of its cultural ideas throughout Europe. The text combines case studies, source material and stimulating author text to explore a series of enquiries.


Section 1 Introduction: What was the Renaissance?

Section 2 What changed?

2.1 Italy in the fifteenth century
2.2 Leonardo da Vinci: a Renaissance man?
2.3 How did art change?
2.4 How did a Renaissance artist work?
2.5 A Renaissance portrait gallery
2.6 A tour through Florence: how did architecture change?
2.7 What was the role of women through the Renaissance?
2.8 Did health and medicine improve?
2.9 Was the Earth the centre of the universe?

Section 3 How and why did the Renaissance spread?

3.1 Was there a Renaissance in other parts of Europe?
3.2 Would the Renaissance have spread without the printing press?
3.3 Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?

Section 4 Conclusion

What has the Renaissance given us?