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How to deliver the best coursework for Pearson Edexcel A-level History: CPD Resource Pack

On sale

3rd July 2020

Price: £120

Selected:  Digital (On physical carrier) / ISBN-13: 9781398322011

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Maximise your students’ chance of coursework success. This crucial component of A-level History is worth 20% of the final grade.

Guiding you through every aspect of coursework from design and supervision to marking and moderation, this comprehensive CPD pack includes a detailed PowerPoint with audio commentary and 3 practical marking activities.

Work through this pack at your own pace and come back to it whenever you need advice and ideas. You will gain a clear understanding of your role within the process and find out how students can reach the highest levels of the mark scheme for AO1 and AO3.

The PowerPoint is broken down into 9 sections:
> Overview of the A-level course
> Moderators’ feedback
> Setting the question(s)
> Choosing works
> Teaching
> Monitoring
> Feedback
> Marking
> The research process

In addition to the PowerPoint, you will receive 3 research worksheets to help you keep track of students’ progress and 3 sample coursework responses that you will use when completing the marking activities.

This CPD Resource Pack has been created by Dr Robin Bunce, who has been teaching A-level History for 16 years. Robin is an experienced examiner, author and academic.