
A masterpiece of literary craft and concision; sparse, beautiful and hugely affecting – Daily Mail

Since the liberation of the Netherlands, Emma Verweij has been living in Rotterdam, in a street which became a stronghold of friendships for its inhabitants during the Second World War. She marries Bruno, they have two sons, and she determines to block out the years she spent in Nazi Berlin during the war, with her first husband Carl.

But now, ninety-six years old and on the eve of her death, long- forgotten memories crowd again into her consciousness, flashbacks of happier years, and the tragedy of the war, of Carl, of her father, and of the friends she has lost.

In The Longest Night, his impressive, reflective new novel after News from Berlin, Otto de Kat deftly distils momentous events of 20th-century history into the lives of his characters. In Emma, the past and the present coincide in limpid fragments of rare, melancholy beauty.

Translated from the Dutch by Laura Watkinson


Irish Examiner
One of the Netherlands' most compelling literary voices
Eileen Battersby, Irish Times
These are novels of subtle emotional distance . . . as physical as a blow to the heart
Marianne Mielke, Radio Berlin.
De Kat mixes great moral issues with historical events. This is his literary art. The Longest Night is melancholic and brilliantly written.
Nürnberger Zeitung.
Otto de Kat has created a small masterpiece.
NRC Handelsblad.
The De Kat Express takes you on a journey without borders.
E.O. Vision.
An exceedingly beautiful novel that you read breathless till the end.
John Harding, Daily Mail
A masterpiece of literary craft and concision; sparse, beautiful and hugely affecting.
The Lady
[A] powerful novel, exploring the impact of war through the lives of its memorable characters.