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Exam Board: AQA
Level: AS/A-level
Subject: Physics
First Teaching: September 2015
First Exam: June 2016

AQA Approved
Expand and challenge your students’ knowledge and understanding of Physics with textbooks that build mathematical skills and provide practical assessment guidance.
– Offers support for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated ‘Maths in Physics’ chapter
– Measures progress and assess learning throughout the course with Test Yourself and Stretch and Challenge Questions to extend the most able pupils beyond A-level
– Supports all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter
– Develops understanding and enable self- and peer-assessment with free online access to ‘Test yourself’ answers.

AQA A-level Physics Year 1 Student Book includes AS-level.


Mr Jed Boardman, Abigail Lambert
The book covers the key concepts within the syllabus in an accessible style for the whole range of ability.