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The Discipline

On sale

28th June 2012

Price: £7.99

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9780748131198

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You’ve devoured The Fifty Shades Trilogy. . . now it’s time to embrace the forbidden pleasures of The Discipline.

Young innocent nun Chloe Reynolds is collecting money for Brazilian orphans when she meets sophisticated playboy Carlos. When Carlos opens Chloe’s eyes to the corruption behind the charity she is working for, she leaves the Church and heads home to England, thoroughly disillusioned.

Even an Ocean can’t keep Carlos away from Chloe and she is equally desperate to again be in his dominating presence. Carlos’s new mission is to seduce Chloe and to teach her that submitting to his sexual desires will bring her untold pleasures. But is Chloe ready to become a slave to ‘the discipline’…?