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CCEA GCSE History, Third Edition: Boost eBook

On sale

13th October 2022

Price: £7

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9781398358508

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Exam board: CCEA
Level: GCSE
Subject: History
First teaching: September 2017
First exam: Summer 2019

Trust the experts to guide you through CCEA GCSE History with this bestselling Student Book, which covers every option in a single volume.

> Skilfully steers you through the content and assessment requirements with support at every stage from experienced teachers and authors Finbar Madden and John Clare

> Blends in-depth coverage of topics with activities to help students to acquire, retain and revise core subject knowledge across the years

> Builds students’ historical thinking and writing skills as they progress through clear narrative and topic-focused tasks, brought to life by visual and written source material

> Prepares students for the examinations by providing a variety of practice questions throughout each chapter

> Enables students to maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills through structured guidance on answering every question type successfully