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Modern America: 1865 to the Present

On sale

28th January 2005

Price: £29

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780719577444

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Depend on SHP’s comprehensive and best-selling core texts to enrich your understanding of A Level History.

SHP Advanced History Core Texts are the Schools History Project’s acclaimed books for A level History.

They offer:
– clear and penetrating narrative – comprehensively explaining the content required for examination success
– thought provoking and relevant activities that explore the content and help students think analytically about the subject
– thorough exam preparation through carefully designed tasks that address the distinctive requirements of A Level history including guidance in essay writing and source-based investigations.
– a wide range of revision strategies including structured content summaries

Additional features include:
– A focus route pathway for independent learners
– Learning Trouble Spots – which address common misunderstandings
– diagrammatic summaries of key areas of content and historical issues
– accessible summaries of recent historical debates.
– active learning approaches, including decision-making exercises

Modern America
This title is a comprehensive core text from the Schools History Project covering the history of the USA from the end of the Civil War in 1865 to 1990.

Major themes include:
– Civil Rights: tracing the story of the black population from emancipation through to the 1960s.
– Foreign policy: examining the reasons for and the results of the USA’s transition from isolationism to worldwide involvement in many arenas.
– Industrial growth and change: investigating the USA’s development as an economic superpower and the problems and opportunities this has created.

SHP Advanced History Core Texts