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Germany 1918-1945: A depth study

On sale

3rd April 1997

Price: £26

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780719570599

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Stretch and challenge your students with SHP’s longest-lived and bestselling series for GCSE History.

This SHP Official Text is a comprehensive and authoritative depth study for use with all GCSE specifications.

It is written by experts who understand both how to design good teaching material and how to cover the GCSE assessment objectives thoroughly.

The book combines:

– Clear explanation of content

– Classroom-trialled activities that really motivate students

– Extensive and intriguing source material and case studies

With an engaging, enquiry-based approach, this book will enliven any history course.


S. Mallinson, Amazon reviewer
My recommendation to anybody taking GCSE Modern History is to buy this book because it has everything you need to know. The book goes into everything in enough depth for GCSE History and has helped me achieve exceptional grades.
Duncan S, Amazon reviewer
This is a good sensible survey of the topic and contains a lot of useful information: the section on Northeim is particularly valuable. Appears to cover the ground comprehensively and the authors are aware of recent scolarship.

Discovering the Past for GCSE