Designed to be a go-to reference for assessment and treatment planning in the clinic, this is a clear and concise handbook for students and practitioners of dry needling, or medical acupuncture. It includes:

· Comprehensive medical illustrations demonstrating trigger point locations and associated pain referral patterns
· Easy-to-follow instructions and photographs demonstrating musculoskeletal dry needling points and electroacupuncture techniques
· Dedicated section on the acupuncture treatment of tendinopathy
· Vital information on palpation and correct needling techniques
· Practical guidance on best practice, safety and treatment planning
· Overviews of the history and key principles of Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture
· Up-to-date research on the effect of acupuncture in the treatment of MSK conditions, myofascial pain, trigger points (MTrPS), fascia and pain.

The book will be an essential aid for osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports rehabilitators, chiropractors, massage therapists, as well as traditional acupuncturists wishing to understand a Western approach on acupuncture. Other health professionals incorporating, or looking to incorporate dry needling into their treatment programme, will also find this book an invaluable resource.


Sally Scott BSc. Hons (Chiro), Chiropractor
An excellent introduction for the manual therapist wishing to add dry needling to their clinical skills repertoire. The clear explanations and anatomical illustrations make for a great reference book.
David Farrelly, Osteopath and Owner of Bodyworks Manual Therapy Training
All readers interested in the field of Manual Therapy will find much to stimulate their thinking in this book. By exploring the inter-relationships between Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and its modern day off shoot, Western Medical Acupuncture, this book eloquently simplifies and edifies the reader's understanding of Western Medical Acupuncture techniques and philosophy. Backed up by the latest research, this comprehensive text is a must for Manual Therapists wishing to incorporate safe and highly effective needling techniques into their treatment protocols.
Henry McGrath MA MTh MATCM, former Academic Director and Acupuncture Course Director, College of Naturopathic Medicine, and author of ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine Approaches to Cancer’
As acupuncture comes to be ever more widely utilised in the West, there has been a chronic need for a good text which facilitates its expert application by Western Health professionals: this book meets that need very well. Excellently researched and illustrated, it marks a milestone in the West's creation of its own paradigm for acupuncture, and is a vital handbook for all Western acupuncturists.
James Inklebarger MD, Specialist MSK Doctor and Osteopath
Written by practicing MSK clinicians, this dynamic and focused handbook distinguishes itself in immediate practicality. Carefully researched and with illustrations of Netter-like quality, its evidence base is a study in duality, thoughtfully reconnecting the green shoots of cutting edge medicine to ancient roots of traditional acupuncture.
John Tindall, Founder & Director, Yuan Clinic & Traditional Medicine College
This is an excellent reference book which is perfectly laid out - with practical instructions that are simple and effective to use. It bridges two important possible gaps. For those acupuncturists who need more help with their knowledge of the muscular system of the body and for those physiotherapist /osteopaths who need more help with their knowledge of the application of acupuncture. The historical background, scientific evidence and theory are sufficient without being too heavy or laboured. The illustrations, pictures and description of anatomy, palpation, client position and application of treatment particular to each muscle and the trigger points is exactly what a practitioner needs to be able to use these techniques in a clinical situation. The health and safety and client handling section is clearly carefully thought out and is a good reminder to practitioners of their clinical governance in this aspect of practice. The advanced tendon techniques are a good pointing to practitioners to extend the principles of practice and be creative with their treatments.The electro acupuncture chapter gives the practitioner what they need to know in a concise, practical format.