Divorce is a difficult topic for any parent or educator to explain to a child, perhaps even more so when the child has Autism Spectrum Disorder or other special needs. This book is designed specifically to help children with these additional needs to understand what divorce means.

Using a question and answer format, it explores the changes and feelings a child may experience during a divorce, and provides ideas to help cope with this life change. Illustrated with SymbolStix, which uses a symbol-based language for visual thinkers, this book explains a difficult topic to children who might otherwise struggle to understand it, and gives additional guidance for parents and carers.


Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at Mass. General Hospital, Track Director of the Child Psychology Training Program at MGH/Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and author, Dr. Ellen Braaten
Divorce is a challenging time for children as well as parents and inclusive resources on the topic are nonexistent. Though written specifically for children with ASD and special needs, I think this book will be an indispensable resource for ALL families negotiating divorce. The authors provide developmentally appropriate answers to some of the most difficult questions a parent will encounter. With its clear language and honest insight, this book should be on the shelf of every child mental health professional and educator. It is a gift of extraordinary wisdom combined with expert answers to difficult questions.