Wendy Rose
By the Author
Improving Outcomes for Children and Families
Significant amounts of money and resources are spent on child and family services, so successful evaluation of whether or not they are achieving the best…
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Child Well-Being
Child well-being, which covers everything from family relationships to their material well-being, is now increasingly being talked about in policy and practice nationally and internationally.…
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The Integrated Children’s System
The Integrated Children's System (ICS) was developed to support effective practice with children and families and improve decision making and planning for children in need.…
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Enhancing Social Work Management
This book looks at the nature of management in the human services sector and examines the prevailing issues affecting both the UK and USA. Contradictory…
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Enhancing the Well-being of Children and Families through Effective Interventions
Services for families and children are rightfully the focus of intense scrutiny and debate, and there is a clear need to establish a knowledge of…
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The Developing World of the Child
This important text shows how child development theory applies to professionals' working practice. Considering theories of development throughout the lifespan from the early years through…
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Approaches to Needs Assessment in Children’s Services
Examining the assessment of need in children's services this book addresses the full spectrum of practice, policy and research developments in the field. The contributors…