Vanessa Christie
Vanessa Christie (MSc, MN, IBCLC, RHV, RNC, CIMI) is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor), Children’s Nurse, Birth & Peri-natal Trauma Recovery Practitioner, Infant Massage Instructor, Mindfulness Practitioner and a mother of three. She has worked alongside more than 10,000 new families over the past 20 years, predominantly for the NHS and also in voluntary roles in South Sudan, Uganda and India.
Vanessa now runs a busy independent practice, The Parent & Baby Clinic, consulting with pre and post-natal families on a wide range of issues from infant feeding, unsettled babies and sleep, to birth and peri-natal trauma recovery.
She is a breastfeeding and early parenting expert speaker for events such as The Baby Show, has contributed to two previous books and writes widely for parenting publications and websites.
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