By the Author
Teaching Pre-Employment Skills to 14–17-Year-Olds
Based on the Autism Works Now!® Workplace Readiness Workshop, this interactive resource shows how to help students aged 14-17 develop the necessary transition skills for…
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Understanding and Treating Self-Injurious Behavior in Autism
Self-injurious behavior occurs in almost half of those with autism and is one of the most devastating and challenging-to-treat behaviors. There are many different forms…
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College for Students with Disabilities
Sharing the personal stories of individuals with disabilities who describe both the challenges and successes of their time in higher education, and with a major…
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Infantile Autism
In 1964, the release of Dr. Bernard Rimland's book, Infantile Autism, revolutionized the autism field by providing the autism community with much-needed guidance on how…
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Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol
Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol exposes the unexplored problem of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) using alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with everyday…
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Animal-assisted Interventions for Individuals with Autism
This book looks at how therapies involving animals can be used to help individuals with autism to develop skills, including sensory and social skills, to…