Steve Parker
By the Author
The Story of Space: Space Stations
Space stations, including Skylab, Mir and the ISS are a vital outposts of scientific endeavour. Although only the ISS remains in orbit, the story of…
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The Story of Space: Satellites
More than 3,000 satellites have been placed in orbit around Earth since the very first, Sputnik 1, made history in 1957. Satellites perform a huge…
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The Story of Space: Probes to the Planets
Every planet in our solar system and some of the moons and other space objects have been visited by at least one probe and in…
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The Story of Space: Looking Beyond
Most of space is a mystery, but astronomers and scientists have spent years studying some of the biggest questions, such as what are black holes,…
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The Story of Space: Space Pioneers
From the first rockets to leave Earth's atmosphere and the animals that made brave journeys into space, such as Laika the Soviet stray dog, to…
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Machines Rule: In Space
In this series, you get behind the wheel of vehicles that rule! Discover just what machines can do, and take a look at what makes…