Paul Cooper
By the Author
Count Me In!
School really should be the best time in a young person's life – full of discovery, enjoyment and friendship. In reality, school can be a…
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Promoting Emotional Education
Unlike IQ, emotional competence can be nurtured and developed, and is a key factor in physical and mental health, social competence, academic achievement and other…
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Promoting Resilience in the Classroom
Resilience is a set of qualities that enable children to adapt and transform, to overcome risk and adversity, and to develop social competence, problem-solving skills,…
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Nurture Groups in School and at Home
This book explores the ways in which pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties can be effectively engaged in schooling - either in school or…
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Understanding and Supporting Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
This is a comprehensive guide to some of the difficulties and disorders which can cause children to become disruptive at school and in the home.…