Michael Riley
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OCR GCSE History SHP: The Mughal Empire 1526-1707: Boost eBook
Let SHP successfully steer you through the OCR B specification with an exciting, enquiry-based series, combining best practice teaching methods and worthwhile tasks to develop…
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Understanding History: Key Stage 3: Britain in the wider world, Roman times–present: Updated Edition
Help every pupil to know more, look closer, think deeper and write better as they develop their historical knowledge and skills throughout Key Stage 3…
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OCR GCSE (9–1) History B (SHP) Foundation Edition: The People’s Health c.1250 to present
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook. Help more…
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OCR GCSE (9–1) History B (SHP) Foundation Edition: The Norman Conquest 1065–1087
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook. Help more…
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OCR GCSE History SHP: The Norman Conquest 1065-1087
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook Let SHP…
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OCR GCSE History SHP: The Elizabethans, 1580-1603
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook Let SHP…
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OCR GCSE History SHP: Crime and Punishment c.1250 to present
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook Let SHP…
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OCR GCSE History SHP: The People’s Health c.1250 to present
Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook Let SHP…
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Enquiring History: The Crusades: Conflict and Controversy, 1095-1291
Think more deeply and work more independently at A level History through a carefully thought-out enquiry approach from SHP. Enquiring History: It makes you think!…