Marilyn Edwards
Marilyn Edwards was born in 1946 and lived her formative years in Yorkshire. She worked most of her life in the book trade, for publishers including Jonathan Cape, Allen & Unwin and Random House. After retiring from London publishing to a life of full-time writing, she moved with husband and fellow northerner Michael to a small village in Cumbria, where they lived with their four cats, Fannie, Titus, Pushkin and Gilly.
The Moon Cottage cat series was originally published by Hodder between 2003-2008, to great critical acclaim from cat lovers including Jacqueline Wilson, Karin Slaughter and Celia Haddon. Marilyn was also the author of fiction novels White Chin and Magnificat. More information on Marilyn and her work can be found on http://www.thecatsofmooncottage.co.uk.
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