Mandy Gurney
Mandy Gurney, RGN, RM, Dip HV has been advising on baby, toddler, school-aged and young people’s sleep issues for almost 30 years.
Mandy set up and now delivers sleep workshops for health professionals across the UK and Ireland. She is frequently asked to write for online parenting sites such as HuffPost and Mumfidential and she is often asked to give expert comment on both television and radio.
She is the sleep expert and adviser for a number of household brands and companies, including the BBC, Mothercare, Made for Mums, Gro Company and Essential Parent.
Mandy is the author of The Bedtime Book (Ladybird, 2016), a book on sleep in association with the popular children’s television programme In the Night Garden and two previous editions of Teach Your Child to Sleep (Hamlyn, 2005, 2016), which has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and been translated into ten different languages.
Mandy is the mother of two children, who inspiredher to start this journey more than 25 years ago.
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