By the Author
The ADHD Teen Survival Guide
The ultimate guide on how to survive the trials and tribulations of being an ADHD teen. Bursting with fun, vibrant illustrations and featuring the voices…
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The Sibling Survival Guide
Having a brother or sister can be tough. It can also be great, but it's hard to see the great parts with so many bad…
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Something Bad Happened
When children learn about something big and bad - even when they hear only bits and pieces - their brains get busy trying to make…
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You Can Change the World!
**Joint Gold Winner of the Moonbeam Multicultural Non-Fiction Award 2019** This inspirational book tells the stories of more than 50 of today's teenagers who've dared…
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Outsmarting Worry
Worry has a way of growing, shifting from not-a-big-deal to a VERY BIG DEAL in the blink of an eye. This big-deal Worry is tricky,…
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Okay Kevin
Kevin never smiles at school, but he is different at home. He jumps up and down when his favorite football team scores a touchdown, and…
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Billy Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off
"Want to know something else about me? I am Billy Bramble: the King, the President and the Emperor of Bad Lucksville. I am the Chief…