John Malam
By the Author
The Story of the First World War for Children (1914-1918)
The First World War was the world's first 'total war'. Although large-scale wars like the Napoleonic wars had ranged across many territories, the scale of…
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Prehistoric Adventures: Hill Forts
Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! Our first stop is intimidating Maiden Castle: shaped like the coil of a giant snake, Britain's largest hill fort…
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Prehistoric Adventures: Burial Places
Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! We discover ghostly Maes Howe, an enormous 5,000-year-old tomb covered in Viking graffiti. Britain is jam-packed with these mystical,…
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Prehistoric Adventures: Settlements
Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! Our first stop is ancient Skara Brae: hidden beneath a sand dune for thousands of years, this Neolithic village…
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Prehistoric Adventures: Stone Circles
Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! Our journey starts with world-famous Stonehenge: find out where the stones came from and how such enormous blocks were…
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Queen Elizabeth II: Her Story
Queen Elizabeth II, Her Story recounts the story of Queen Elizabeth's life, from when she was a young princess, to her coronation in 1953 through…
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Queen Elizabeth II: Her Story Diamond Jubilee
This year Queen Elizabeth II enjoys 60 glorious years as monarch with a Diamond Jubilee celebration to be held on 5th June 2012. Queen Elizabeth…