Jeff Rockwell
Dr Jeff Rockwell DC initially studied Rolf Structural Integration before graduating as a chiropractor from Life Chiropractic College. In addition, Jeff holds a Master’s degree in somatic psychology. He has been in private practice since 1979, specialising in the treatment of soft tissue dysfunction, as well as practicing cranial osteopathy, polarity therapy and Zero Balancing Neurodynamics, as well as his own Polyvagal Touch Therapy. He has published an extensive and successful series of DVDs for the chiropractic and osteopathic professions which are inspired by the work of the late Dr Robert Fulford, osteopath.
Jeff was Professor of Biomechanics and Philosophy at Parker University, College of Chiropractic, in Dallas Texas from 1992 to 2002. He has taught over 400 seminars on myofascial therapy throughout the United States and Canada, as well as dozens of workshops on clinical applications of polyvagal theory and the autonomic nervous system. Jeff is on the post-graduate faculty of Life Chiropractic College West and Parker University, College of Chiropractic, as well as The Institute of Manual Neuroscience, of which he is the co-founder. Jeff is a member of numerous chiropractic associations, the Bay Area Osteopathic Study Group, and the Restorative Practices Alliance. Additionally, he writes for several chiropractic publications and has published five books of what he calls “somatic poetry.”
Jeff is based in Soquel, California.
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