By the Author
Good Practice in Promoting Recovery and Healing for Abused Adults
What constitutes real recovery for adult victims of abuse? Current support offered to adults is often poorly planned and informed; this book sheds light on…
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Recording Skills in Safeguarding Adults
Recording Skills in Safeguarding Adults is the comprehensive guide to keeping accurate, effective and complete records in safeguarding adults work. This book explains why good…
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Good Practice in Assessing Risk
Maintaining a balance between managing and assessing risk and upholding the required high standards of practice in health and social care can be demanding, particularly…
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Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults
Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults provides an up-to-date summary of developments in the legislative framework and best practice relevant to the area…
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Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults
Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults provides an up to date and topical overview of developments in policy, guidance, legislation and practice in the area of…
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Working with Adult Abuse
The manual is written in an accessible format with ample exercises and handouts, all designed for easy photocopying. Its great advantage is the material's transferability…
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Good Practice in Adult Mental Health
This text is a guide to good practice within adult mental health care, providing a comprehensive introduction to mental health and illness. It is designed…
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Can You Read Me?
This book presents poems, stories and journal work spontaneously written by people, young and old, who have suffered serious abuse. The editors' explanations and commentaries…
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Training Manual for Working with Older People in Residential and Day Care Settings
Designed to promote good practice in working with older people in residential and day care, this training manual is aimed at helping care workers meet…
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Support Groups for Older People Who Have Been Abused
Violence and Abuse Series 'The book is well written and informative for anyone who might want to work with victims of abuse. The author provides…
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Male Victims of Elder Abuse
The findings from the study are a significant contribution to the growing international body of knowledge on the abuse of vulnerable adults. Pritchard's work is…
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Becoming a Trainer in Adult Abuse Work
Pritchard's extensive experience of practice, research and training inform the advice and practical guidance she gives... The book is full of useful photocopiable handouts and…
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Good Practice with Vulnerable Adults
Good Practice in Social Work 9 This is a practical and trans-disciplinary guide for professionals working with vulnerable adults, who include the frail elderly, those…
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Good Practice in Working with Victims of Violence
Drawing on the experiences of practitioners from a range of backgrounds, Good Practice in Working with Victims of Violence is a comprehensive study of real…
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Ethical Practice and the Abuse of Power in Social Responsibility
To avoid unfair and abusive practice in social care, policy makers and professionals need to examine the body of values, rules and methods which guide…
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Good Practice in Working with Violence
Good Practice with Violence is part of a series of volumes devoted to establishing sound guidelines and models for mental health workers. The concept on…
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Elder Abuse Work
The abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people in community and residential care settings is increasingly being recognised and addressed as a serious social concern…
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Good Practice in Risk Assessment and Risk Management 2
The companion volume to Good Practice in Risk Assessment 1 looks at further issues in the field of risk assessment. Managers are under increasing pressure…
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Working with Elder Abuse
The author has specialised in working with adult abuse and the manual is set out in the way she recommends that training be presented. There…
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Good Practice in Risk Assessment and Management 1
Providing a complete guide to good practice for those involved in risk assessment and management, this book is the first to bring together the key…
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The Abuse of Older People
This book has certainly stood the test of time, and now in its second edition, it continues to hold its own in the under-researched and…
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Good Practice in Supervision
Offering a new and much needed approach to supervision practice, Good Practice in Supervision considers the need and format for successful supervision, methods of effective…
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Good Practice in Child Protection
Good Practice in Child Protection is a timely practical handbook for use by all professionals who work with child abuse cases as they get to…