By the Author
What’s the Use?
Many people think mathematics is useless. They're wrong. In the UK, the 2.8 million people employed in mathematical science occupations contributed £208 billion to the…
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Professor Stewart’s Casebook of Mathematical Mysteries
In Professor Stewart's Casebook of Mathematical Mysteries , acclaimed mathematician Ian Stewart presents an enticing collection of mathematical curios and conundrums. With a new puzzle…
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The Self and Perspective-Taking
The Self and Perspective-Taking presents the latest research findings and approaches to understanding how the human brain develops the concepts of self and other, how…
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Professor Stewart’s Hoard of Mathematical Treasures
Opening another drawer in his Cabinet of Curiosities, renowned mathematics professor Ian Stewart presents a new medley of games, paradoxes, and riddles in Professor Stewart's…
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The Annotated Flatland
Flatland is a unique, delightful satire that has charmed readers for over a century. Published in 1884 by the English clergyman and headmaster Edwin A.…
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Why Beauty Is Truth
At the heart of relativity theory, quantum mechanics, string theory, and much of modern cosmology lies one concept: symmetry. In Why Beauty Is Truth ,…
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Letters to a Young Mathematician
Mathematician Ian Stewart tells readers what he wishes he had known when he was a student. He takes up subjects ranging from the philosophical to…