By the Author
Burmese Days
A new edition of Orwell's debut novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D. J. Taylor First published in 1934, and a bitter souvenir of…
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A Clergyman’s Daughter
A new edition of Orwell's starkly realistic second novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D. J. Taylor First published in 1935, when Orwell was…
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Keep the Aspidistra Flying
A new edition of Orwell's end-of-tether third novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor First published in 1936, and drawing on Orwell's own…
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Coming Up For Air
A new edition of Orwell's elegiac fourth novel, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor First published in 1939 and dominated by the shadow…
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Nineteen Eighty-Four
A new edition of Orwell's timeless dystopian classic, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor Since its first publication in 1949, Orwell's devastating expose…
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Animal Farm
A new edition of Orwell's savage satire of the Soviet Revolution, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor First published in 1945, just as…