Elizabeth MacKinlay
By the Author
The Spiritual Dimension of Ageing, Second Edition
What does it mean to grow old? What makes later life meaningful? What gives a frail and isolated or institutionalised older person their sense of…
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Facilitating Spiritual Reminiscence for People with Dementia
Spiritual reminiscence is a way of communicating that acknowledges the person as a spiritual being and seeks to engage the person in a more meaningful…
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Finding Meaning in the Experience of Dementia
This groundbreaking book is based on the findings of the first major study on spiritual reminiscence work with people with dementia. Carried out over a…
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Palliative Care, Ageing and Spirituality
This sensitive and compassionate book provides older people who are nearing the end of life and their loved ones, as well as the professionals who…
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Ageing and Spirituality across Faiths and Cultures
Health and social care practitioners are increasingly called upon to provide care to elderly people from a number of different faiths and cultures. This collection…
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Ageing, Disability and Spirituality
This collection examines theological and ethical issues of ageing, disability and spirituality, with an emphasis on how ageing affects people who have mental health and…
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Spiritual Growth and Care in the Fourth Age of Life
Spiritual Growth and Care in the Fourth Age of Life explores the spiritual dimension of ageing and investigates the role of pastoral and spiritual care…