Dr Neal Barnard
Dr Neal Barnard is president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine and one of America’s leading health advocates, so has been at the forefront of cutting-edge research on what it really takes to lose weight and restore our bodies to optimal health. He is also a founding member of the Whole Foods medical advisory board. Based on the 21-Day Kickstart plan that PCRM launched on its website last autumn, this new book is the answer for anyone looking to jumpstart their weight loss and give themselves a dramatic health makeover. It’s the key for the many people looking to experience the benefits of a meat-free-based diet but have no idea where to start. Firmly based on science, not fad (Dr Barnard is a federally funded researcher and has proven the results of this plan), the short-term 21-day plan gets people past their fears of making long-term health changes, while easily producing great, and speedy, results. People following the plan shed pounds, experience renewed vitality, and see dramatic health improvements – and most of all, feel great.
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