Donna George Storey
Donna George Storey was on maternity leave from her job as an adjunct professor of Japanese literature, in the spring of 1997. She started writing short stories during her son’s naps, with the hope of publishing in small, respectable literary magazines. Then she bought a copy of The Mammoth Book of International Erotica and realized, once she’d patted down her skirt and pulled her jaw up off the floor, that she’d discovered her true calling – to write erotic stories that arouse both the mind and the libido. Since then, she’s published over 150 erotic stories and essays in journals and anthologies such as Penthouse, CleanSheets.com, Best American Erotica, Best Women’s Erotica, Sex in the City: New York, He’s on Top, Lustfully Ever After, Bound by Lust and Dirty Girls. Many of these stories went on to appear in The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica series. She’s also the author of Amorous Woman, an erotic novel based on her own experiences living and loving in Japan. She writes a regular column at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association, “Cooking up a Storey” about her favourite topics: delicious sex, well-crafted food and mind-blowing writing. Writing erotica has enriched her life immeasurably, and she hopes her stories inspire others to explore the complexities of sexual pleasure in word and deed. Read more of her work at http://www.DonnaGeorgeStorey.com.
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