David Sparshott
By the Author
Wie man ein Baumhaus baut
Viele von uns träumen vom eigenen Baumhaus, sei es als Erwachsenen-Kind Projekt, lang ersehnter Rückzugsraum in der Natur oder Schlafplatz für Gäste. Dieses Buch bietet…
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Back on Your Bike
Get confident and get back in the saddle! A real-world guide for new cyclists or anyone who's not ridden a bike since childhood: includes fixes…
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Anatomy of Cycling
Dream bikes, vintage race jerseys, iconic team cars, classic cranksets and handmade frames, these 22 postcards include everything from the world of cycling. Illustrated by…
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Battle of the Bikes
Fixie or Brompton – Pinarello racer or Mongoose BMX – which is the fastest? The most expensive? How about their ride-by kudos, or their robustness?…
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Style Wars
Prada shirt or Paul Smith blazer – Hermès tie or Armani suit – which has the most timeless appeal? How about their boardroom kudos? Or…
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Bike Watching: An Explorer’s Journal
This journal is designed to champion a new type of activity: bike watching! David Sparshott’s inspiring illustrations celebrate bike culture in all its diverse and…