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Mortal Causes

On sale

31st March 2011

Price: £21.99

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Selected: Audiobook Downloadable / ISBN-13: 9781409134442

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It is August in Edinburgh and the Festival is in full swing…

A brutally tortured body is discovered in one of the city’s ancient subterranean streets and marks on the corpse cause Rebus to suspect the involvement of sectarian activists. The prospect of a terrorist atrocity in a city heaving with tourists is almost unthinkable.

When the victim turns out to be the son of a notorious gangster, Rebus realises he is sitting atop a volcano of mayhem – and it’s just about to erupt.

Read by James Macpherson

(p) 2011 Orion Publishing Group


Rankin is without doubt Britain's best crime novelist
Rankin continues to be unsurpassed among living British crime writers ... He makes the reader feel part of the scene, and enhances the experience with his virtuosity with dialogue ... But all these virtues would count for little if Rankin didn't also possess the most important asset of them all - the ability to tell a damned good story
Lee Child
Ian Rankin is a genius
Rankin is streets ahead in the British police procedural writing field
Britain's No.1 crime writer